About us

About us

Who we are

Oreon is a Dutch developer and manufacturer of high-tech LED fixtures. As early as 2007, Oreon began researching and developing LED technology. Today, Oreon's LED fixtures are used worldwide above various types of crops in greenhouse horticulture and vertical farming.

Oreon stands for innovation, quality and flexibility. Our mission is to offer growers customized LED lighting solutions to further optimize their growing conditions and energy efficiency.

The water-cooled LED top lights, hybrid (air)-cooled top lights and multi-layer lights are available in different spectra, so that the LED fixtures are suitable for different types of crops in every greenhouse or vertical/indoor farming application. The unique water cooling technology ensures the LEDs and electronic parts are continuously cooled, which is the best guarantee for trouble-free growing for many years. The water cooling makes it also possible to produce high lighting levels with a high efficiency and offers the opportunity to re-use the gained heat.

In addition to the continuous development of the market potential and the worldwide increasing desire for artificial lighting, Oreon is working closely together with renowned partners from all over the world to further optimize the business case.



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