
Oreon produces and develops high-quality, customized and highly-efficient LED solutions for greenhouse horticulture and vertical farming.

Our top lights operate on active water-cooling or via hybrid (air)-cooling, which ensures that the LEDs, electronics and fixtures are continuously cooled. This results in a stable cultivation climate and a longer lifespan. The water-cooling technology makes it possible to re-use the extracted heat. 

Take a look at our Dutch Powerhouse portfolio below and request a light plan.

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The COMMANDER responds to the demand for Oreon’s quality fixtures without external water cooling. Heat management is essential in LED lighting and the combined technology results in 'the next level' LED grow light that rivals the water cooled LED fixtures in terms of performance and reliability.

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Monarch 3-CHANNEL

Monarch 3-CHANNEL

The Oreon Monarch 3-Channel LED toplight enables the next step in dynamic lighting. The 3-Channel combines high output and efficiency of the existing Monarch with spectral flexibility. In addition to a dimmable, customer-specific spectrum, it is also possible to adjust the composition of the chosen spectrum during cultivation. This provides the right spectrum, the right intensity at the right time of day.

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High power LED fixture Monarch produces an extreme high light output and is one of the most powerful LED top lighting fixtures available in the horticultural market.

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The multilayer LED fixture Embrace has been specifically developed for vertical & indoor farming. In multilayer cultivation heat and humidity are very important: an actively water-cooled LED fixture offers the solution for a stable growing climate.

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The Dutch Powerhouse Empress is available in various light spectra with a wide beam angle, so that the most optimal light uniformity can be achieved for every type of crop. The choice for Empress or Monarch is determined in a lighting plan.

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Embrace XL

Embrace XL

The Dutch Powerhouse Embrace XL has been specially developed for vertical & indoor farming. With the water-cooled Embrace XL, a multifunctional multilayer LED fixture can be installed in any rack system. It’s incredibly efficient, robust, and flexible - all without direct heat radiation and with perfect light distribution.

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Oreon LED Control Center

The Oreon LED Control Center (OLCC) enables the grower to control their assimilation lighting with unmatched precision. The lighting installation is dynamically controlled by a fine mesh network, which is formed by all the lamps in the greenhouse or cultivation area. This allows the grower to respond to fluctuating light needs and energy rates. The result is the exact desired amount of light at any time or place at the lowest possible cost.

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Oreon LED Control Center

DISCLAIMER: Lemnis Oreon B.V. offers LED grow lights for horticultural and indoor growing facilities. As far as solutions for cannabis production are concerned, Lemnis Oreon B.V. only supplies in countries where the cultivation of cannabis is legalized and the customers are licensed as defined by local laws. Lemnis Oreon B.V. might verify these licenses.