LED grow lights for microgreens

Using LED grow lights for microgreens may seem ambivalent, but nothing could be further from the truth. Indeed, microgreens need to germinate in the dark, but they do need light for photosynthesis. Just like other plants. Using the right combination of LEDs for microgreen grow lights will help improve the quality of the crops all year round. You can create the perfect settings for the plants to grow and are no longer dependent on the season or time of day. This can even lead to extra growth cycles!
Improve microgreens with LED
LED lights for growing microgreens with a custom-made light spectrum can be used to influence the quality of your crops in various ways. The right proportion of red and blue LEDs guarantees high quality microgreens that meet the high standards set by (Michelin star) restaurants for the product. Oreon’s LED lighting not only provides a stronger and more resilient plant that can be harvested faster, it also improves the taste and red coloration of these microgreens. Get the best quality with LED grow lights for microgreens!

Reduce energy and investment costs
With the installation of the Dutch Powerhouses, it is possible to achieve high light output with extremely high uniformity. This means that fewer LED fixtures are required in the greenhouse, resulting in savings in terms of the investment and installation costs for the microgreen grow lights, as well as reduced power consumption. Without compromising on a high uniformity demanded by the cultivation of microgreens.
Best practice: Koppert Cress
Koppert Cress is a company in the Netherlands that focuses on micro vegetables with an unique tasting experience. It has been the first company to work with Oreon’s microgreen LED grow lights on a large scale. And with succes! "The LED lamps are very efficient and the heat produced can be stored by the unique cooling system and fully reused. For us a solution that perfectly matches our sustainable strategy", says Rob Baan.

The benefits of microgreen grow lights with water cooling
The benefits of microgreen grow lights with water cooling
Oreon’s LED grow lights for microgreens work with active water cooling. This unique technology makes it possible for the fixture to contain more LEDs and therefore produce higher light output. However, the LED fixture is still compact and as a result can be attached directly under the existing trellis, creating the least possible shadow effects inside the greenhouse.
Removing and reusing excessive heat with water cooling guarantees a very uniform growth and a higher sustainability of the crop. It provides a more constant cool temperature inside the greenhouse, which is perfect for growing microgreens indoors under lights and also allows for longer periods of lighting. Furthermore, ventilation requirements are reduced, which reduces the unnecessary loss of CO2. The heat from the fixtures discharged by the water can be reused in various ways.
We can understand that the decision to start to make use of or migrating to LED lighting is not an easy one. We are pleased to help you make a well-considered choice with all the experiences and knowledge we gathered the last 15 years. Contact us if you’d like additional information or if we can develop a custom-made lighting plan for you.